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My name is Nicolò Bonato. I was born in Italy, where I lived for almost 25 years (although with a short Erasmus stay in Limoges, France). Currently, I live in Brussels, Belgium.

I have a varied skillset which I am currently putting to use as a data and policy researcher, but I am also taking out some light translation contracting, so if this might sound interesting to you, please get in contact


My last job

I worked as a Policy and Research officer with the European University Foundation (EUF). Most of the time this translated to carrying out project management tasks on digitalisation projects in higher education and coordinating international partnerships. In particular, I worked on the Online Learning Agreement project and the Erasmus+ App.

In this context, I participated as a speaker in the 2021 University:Future Festival with a lightning talk on data stewardship and gave a presentation on the future of the Erasmus+ App. Moreover, I also took part to multiple online training activities fro the Online Learning Agreement project, hosting live Q&A, webinars and a final conference with the projects' partners.


In 2022 I completed my Master’s degree in international relations from the university of Bologna, with a thesis on the history of United States science and technology policy before and during the Cold War. In 2018 I had already graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in foreign languages and literatures from the university of Trieste, studying French and English (actually Anglo-american) literature and writing my final thesis on the usage of rhetorics in foreign policy speeches.

Things I like to do

When I was younger, I got really interested in computer graphics, so I have been using Inkscape (open source vector graphics program) for more than 10 years now, for example creating graphics for a fact-checking project I carried out in my free time with other Italian students a few years ago, called CheckPointPromesse project (warning: Facebook link).

When I was around 12 years old I also learned some basic coding from a Pascal book my father had in his library, moving then to Python with the idea of creating some cool videogames. Unfortunately, I never really pursued that passion thoroughly, but I still use Python regularly to automate tasks both on my job and in my everyday life and I have been learning JavaScript. You can actually see some examples of my (not that great) code on my github page.